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Nachrichten, Interviews und ausführliche Berichte über Umwelt, Gesellschaft, Design und Ereignisse. Es sind unsere und Ihre Geschichten
VAIA das Projekt Forests as common goods – a centuries-old history 3 Juni 2022
Until last year, only one woman had been awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics. Among Elinor Ostrom‘s several merits, she overturned a widely held view in academic circles, namely that the collective use of natural resources leads to their inexorable destruction. Ostrom’s turning point is rooted in the testimony of age-old customs, and one example […]
VAIA das Projekt Happy B-day VAIA! Our first year together 3 Juni 2022
It was planned to be the day of sustainability, design, environment and territory. And so it was, despite the new restrictions that have once again confined us to the screens. We blew out our first candle by hosting top-level speakers, who gave us valuable accounts of the issues that revolve around the world of VAIA. […]
VAIA das Projekt When music meets sustainability 3 Juni 2022
The destinies of VAIA and of the Italian band Eugenio in Via Di Gioia could not have crossed paths in a more auspicious way. On 26 September 2019 the “Eugenii” (plural of Eugenio) have issued Lettera al Prossimo, a digital platform inspired by the homonymous track from their album Natura Viva, with a fundraising campaign […]
VAIA das Projekt Our 2020 3 Juni 2022
Dear Vaiers, 365 days present too many frames to behold them all in a single glance. Yet, if the year in question is 2020, it is likely that memory has deliberately erased several portions of a year we all wish to put behind us. Nevertheless, this is for VAIA a year to remember. Since moving […]
Klimawandel und Nachhaltigkeit The line and the circle: two viewpoints on economic thought 3 Juni 2022
The upheavals of 2020 have accelerated the changing pace at which we live and create new products and services.  In the background, stand two simple geometric figures. The line characterises supply chains that start with the extraction of virgin materials, and which ultimately see the product as waste. The circle accompanies the thought that every output of one production […]