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Nachrichten, Interviews und ausführliche Berichte über Umwelt, Gesellschaft, Design und Ereignisse. Es sind unsere und Ihre Geschichten
VAIA das Projekt Why our future depends on wood 3 Juni 2022
In many respects, Italy suffers from a marked inability to recognise and develop its strengths. It is therefore not surprising that there is insufficient consideration for a raw material that is of strategic importance for our future: wood. There are at least three ways in which we need to think more carefully about this precious resource.  […]
VAIA das Projekt Back to school 3 Juni 2022
“Ci saremmo potuti approcciare al racconto di VAIA da 100 altri punti di vista.” Le parole di Nicola e dei ragazzi di Amartia Film in occasione della presentazione del video “Il lato positivo” ci lusingano. Per noi, sono un riconoscimento importante della ricchezza di valori che permea il progetto. Vi abbiamo già parlato del design, del legame con il […]
VAIA das Projekt Noble imperfections: the new VAIA Cube 3 Juni 2022
The VAIA Cube imperfetto is the full expression of our vision. It embodies a radical approach to the circular process of raw material recovery, which aims at making full use of “waste”. Only in this way can we fulfil the desire that nothing be left behind.  Logs felled by the VAIA storm in the most inaccessible areas are […]
VAIA das Projekt VAIA Cube: the genesis 3 Juni 2022
Long journeys inspire a certain admiration. Before we close the wrapping that protects the VAIA Cube and hand it over to the courier, we feel a flash of wonder thinking about the arduous journey that this little piece of wood has made.  A short while ago, we recounted the complexities and challenges of the wood […]
Klimawandel und Nachhaltigkeit Why do we plant new trees? 3 Juni 2022
There are now numerous international commitments to reforestation. The Billion Tree Campaign launched by the UN Environment Programme in 2006 was followed by the Bonn Challenge in 2011 and by the One Trillion Trees Initiative, launched at the World Economic Forum 2020. Planting a new tree is an important action that we fully support: to […]
Klimawandel und Nachhaltigkeit VAIA goes to Fuorisalone 3 Juni 2022
What more eagerly awaited event for Italian design than the Salone del Mobile-Fuorisalone? Exceptionally scheduled for September 2021, in anticipation of the traditional annual appointment in April, this edition of the design kermesse had a very special flavour for us: VAIA set up its own exhibition stand in its incomparable setting, and presented its second […]
Klimawandel und Nachhaltigkeit Italy’s urban reforestation plan 3 Juni 2022
Among the proposals to make our cities greener and more resilient to changing climatic conditions, there is growing attention to urban afforestation projects. What are their advantages, and why should we focus on cities, where roads, pavements and parking lots make planting particularly difficult? What is the situation of urban greenery in Italy, and what […]