News category:
Vaia the storm
Vaia the storm
Living through the storm: a personal account
23 October 2020
Vaia the storm
Forestry Corps and ASUCs, together for the common good
11 August 2020
Vaia the storm
One year after storm VAIA
25 November 2019
“I could hear the noise of logs breaking, of trees falling around me. It sounded like the mountain was about to collapse.” The VAIA storm continues to accompany us through the marks left on the Alpine arc. Those days at the end of October 2018 remain etched in the memory of those who experienced it […]
In the last article, we stopped at the gradual abandonment of the Charters as a means of safeguarding the woodland commons in the Trentino Alps. As evidence of the void left by those ancient institutions, the periods following their abolition saw an unprecedented impoverishment of the provincial forests. Although it was mostly due to legitimate social […]
During the night of 28 October 2018, winds from the Atlantic Ocean clash with sirocco, giving rise to a rare low pressure area. The storm named “Vaia” hits Northern Italy, raging in the Alps of Trentino and Triveneto, in the Prealps, and to a lower extent in Eastern Lombardia. The Sisef (Italian Society of Forestry […]