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News, interviews and in-depth reports on the environment, society, design and events. They are our stories and yours
Vaia the storm One year after storm VAIA 25 November 2019
During the night of 28 October 2018, winds from the Atlantic Ocean clash with sirocco, giving rise to a rare low pressure area. The storm named “Vaia” hits Northern Italy, raging in the Alps of Trentino and Triveneto, in the Prealps, and to a lower extent in Eastern Lombardia. The Sisef (Italian Society of Forestry […]
La tempesta Vaia One year after the VAIA storm 13 August 2019
During the night of 28 to 29 October 2018, the Atlantic wind collided with the sirocco and caused a rare climatic low. The hurricane named “Vaia” hit northern Italy and was centered in the Trentino Alps, the Triveneto, the Prealps and parts of eastern Lombardy. It was defined by the Sisef (Italian Society of Silviculture […]