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The Vaiers
100.000 and more people who are passionate about our work and who are reflected in our vision of the world.

Not only do they recognize themselves in the Vaia style, but they want to act and react – in multiple ways – to the challenges of our time, committing themselves concretely to having a positive impact on the world.

Our community

In Vaia they have found an extraordinary way to do it and get involved.
They love nature and the mountains – they are fond of the Dolomites but not only – but they are also art lovers, they read current affairs and want to be active participants in society. They are often journalists, professors, freelancers, managers, SME owners, university students and employees. They carry out both outdoor activities in their free time and social and environmental commitment activities for the community.

Some of our Vaiers
slider image Name surname Vaier from 2022

// This is the perfect way to make an exceptional project emerge from a disaster. Super guys, these are the young people we want //

slider image Surname Name 2 Vaier since 2018

// This is the perfect way to make an exceptional project emerge from a disaster. Super guys, these are the young people we want //